Does a bad mood = more calories?

Last night was terrible.  Our baby daughter (who is 8 weeks old tomorrow) did not fall asleep until 2am….plus my husband and I had an argument and he picked up his pillow and slept in the guest room.  Plus we haven’t said a word to each other this morning and he’s about to leave for work.

If this was any normal post-argument day, I’m sure that I’d be looking for something to ‘comfort me’ eg food.  I’m going to try to make a conscious effort today to not turn to food to make me feel good.  I definitely need some more sleep!

So why do some of us turn to food for comfort whilst other people may drink or gamble?  When we were at the hospital after the birth of our daughter the midwives told us many interesting ‘facts’.  One of these was that a newborn baby should only be fed when they are not crying.  Apparently, if you feed a baby when he/she is crying that sets them up for a lifetime of eating disorders because they associate comfort with food.  It makes sense from a theoretical point of view but jeez, it puts a lot of pressure on a new mum.

Is this an old wives tale or does it hold some truth?

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